Friday, March 26, 2010

Will it ever stop?!

Michele Malkin has lots of good points in her analysis of the Mexican government and how they handle all of the US money that was poured into their structure of “border patrol”. We will eventually be paying for all of this mis-handling in our taxes, and it’s about time we start paying attention! There is too much of “we’re going to do this” or “we’re going to do that”, to make the border safe, but when you have military, police, and government politicians on the bankroll of the drug cartels, it’s a losing battle!

I hate to agree too much with Michele, but I have to respect the fact that she let’s everyone get a piece of her mind in her blog. There is too much evidence that supports her position. The fact is, there are corrupt law enforcement officials and no one can ensure that the “Merida Initiative” is being upheld. It’s chaotic down in that region and thousands of dead bodies are “piling up”. How many more Mexican and American citizens will have to die before someone takes initiative and brings these cartels down? Why not let professionals (AKA US MARINES), take out the drug cartels with whatever form of force is necessary, and get it over with?!

Will we ever be able to go back across Mexican borders for vacations, enjoy birthday parties, or casual shopping? There’s too much evidence to back up what Michele Malkin is arguing about. Right now, Mexico is too corrupt to be fixed by their own government. It’s true that drug cartels are using American dollars to support the drug smuggling back into the US. Someone has to get involved to stop this corruption and quickly!