Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog #8 - Response to "Can I See Your Papers Mr. Hernandes"

I agree with this writer, that this country is a melting pot of various nationalities and cultures. America was founded on the belief that we can provide a better life. I don’t disagree that there are illegal immigrants who are living in this country as though lawful citizens, however there are plenty of people coming in illegally who are participating in criminal activity in our country.

There is too much violence and drugs that is spilling over into our country. We must gain control. We have rules in this country for a reason. If people want to live the “American Dream”, let them apply to be citizens and enter legally. There are too many people in this country that we know nothing about…who they are, whether their intentions are good or bad.

So, Mr. Hernandes, or for that matter Mr. Jones or Mr. Goldstein, please show your papers. If you have nothing to hide, you’ll show them proudly…as an American.

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