Thursday, February 25, 2010

B(ig) S(tory) in D.C.

I fully agree with this editor because to me, Washington is just a bunch of drama. We go week after week following one dramatic story after another. And week after week, the previous “big story”, fades into the background. Washington, and the media, do a good job of keeping us entertained, or so thoroughly confused that perhaps this is why so many Americans don’t take a huge interest in politics! If it isn’t Stimulus Packages, it’s Unemployment and if not that, it’s that ever-important Health Care Bill, which in my opinion would be better left alone! Why can’t Washington focus on what this country really needs? JOBS!

She discusses how our elected officials, fail to really help the American household, despite saying all of the “right things”. And, I agree! These are our paid, elected officials, and they need to be coming to agreement on some decisions!

In her argument she also reports that the stimulus package has created millions of jobs but we’re still facing millions who are still unemployed, and the number is barely crawling to a “positive” number. The editor comes across as being straightforward and tries to persuade the reader into believing in her opinion. Initially, she seems quite credible, and I’m almost sucked in to understanding her point of view on the jobs topic, but I am still unemployed! And, yes, I may sound like I’m crying, but time is running out and every day that I don’t get a call for an interview I worry more and more about how I am going to feed and shelter my family. I also think if the Stimulus Package had been handled differently, it sure could have helped Americans instead of businesses. And by helping individual Americans, it would in turn, help those same businesses. Had they given out that money to individual, tax-paying Americans, that money would undoubtedly have stimulated the economy! Sure, some would have put that money right back into the bank – providing banks more money; others would have paid off debt – providing credit card companies more money to issue more credit; but many would use that money to go out to dinners, start home improvement projects, or buy cars and homes – STIMULATING THE ECONOMY.

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