Friday, February 12, 2010


An article in the Austin American Statesman, caught my attention about President Obama discussing the economy with prominent black leaders has me concerned and should have you concerned as well.

President Obama needs to talk to the people of this country that are really going through this. Black minorities are not the only ones suffering in this bad economy. And, they are not the only minorities that need to be looked at. I hope he doesn’t do this with all of our nations problems, because even the leaders indicated that “this isn’t the time” to do something special for one group or another. The leaders he is talking to are not going to help the economy in my opinion.

I’m concerned because I’m unemployed from a company of 16 years of loyalty. I need something to happen because I’m about to lose my unemployment benefits pretty soon and won’t be able to support my family if the economy does not make some recovery, and soon. I need a job and hope he’ll turn to answers from experienced staff. We need action for the sake of myself and of others.

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