Thursday, April 22, 2010

Human Trafficking

This article about human trafficking is really concerning, but some of the issues the writer writes about will never be resolved. I wish there could be an end to this problem, but it’s been around as far back as people have been around. There’s always going to be forced prostitution, forced laborers and domestic laborers.

American government can get involved all it wants and, sure it might help some of the problems, but the evil that draws the business of trafficking will always see dollar signs.

As Wikipedia notes: “over half of the states now criminalize human trafficking, though the penalties are not as tough as the federal laws” – it’s too bad that the penalties can’t be harsher. What really hurts are the innocent kids that probably will never have the chance to live a normal life.

This is a booming industry sadly, but there’s so much of it. The writer does show good examples of statistics and backs up his thoughts of this terrible exploitation. It’s a well written article but far reaching in hoping that something will ever be accomplished by more countries getting involved. It’s a cruel world but chances are, nothing will bring this business to its knees.

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