Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog #8 - Response to "Can I See Your Papers Mr. Hernandes"

I agree with this writer, that this country is a melting pot of various nationalities and cultures. America was founded on the belief that we can provide a better life. I don’t disagree that there are illegal immigrants who are living in this country as though lawful citizens, however there are plenty of people coming in illegally who are participating in criminal activity in our country.

There is too much violence and drugs that is spilling over into our country. We must gain control. We have rules in this country for a reason. If people want to live the “American Dream”, let them apply to be citizens and enter legally. There are too many people in this country that we know nothing about…who they are, whether their intentions are good or bad.

So, Mr. Hernandes, or for that matter Mr. Jones or Mr. Goldstein, please show your papers. If you have nothing to hide, you’ll show them proudly…as an American.

Good and Bad Immigration Law

The New York Times published an article this week that shows how the country is split with different views with polls showing who favors or disapproves the new Arizona immigration laws. Americans overall, think that immigration policies need to be overhauled. It’s funny that a majority of Americans support the new law that Arizona has adopted, even though they say it may lead to racial profiling.

In one way, I agree with Arizona. Why not grant police officers the right to ask for their papers? I’m Mexican-American – born and raised in Texas. I have no problem being asked for proof of residency if I passed through or lived in Arizona. I have nothing to hide – especially with all the violence and corruption coming from Mexico.

On the other hand, there’s the 36% polled in this New York Times article who agree that it went too far by passing the law in Arizona. I can agree with this too, as I see where the “rule” may be abused by officers if there are illegal immigrants who aren’t doing anything wrong but singled out because of their ethnic heritage.

It’s a win/lose situation in some ways.

Now, Governor Jan Brewer has made changes to the law keeping police from racial profiling and looking into immigration status only if they are stopped, detained or arrested in enforcing existing state laws. I believe she put these necessary parameters in because she was intimidated by other state politicians and American protestors.

When it’s all said and done, I believe current illegal immigrants should go through an application process to become legal citizens, with a deadline of about 2 years. Once that deadline passes, everyone who resides in the United States of America should carry paperwork and if it’s determined that you are here illegally, you get deported. Our government needs to take control of our immigration problems on a federal level.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Human Trafficking

This article about human trafficking is really concerning, but some of the issues the writer writes about will never be resolved. I wish there could be an end to this problem, but it’s been around as far back as people have been around. There’s always going to be forced prostitution, forced laborers and domestic laborers.

American government can get involved all it wants and, sure it might help some of the problems, but the evil that draws the business of trafficking will always see dollar signs.

As Wikipedia notes: “over half of the states now criminalize human trafficking, though the penalties are not as tough as the federal laws” – it’s too bad that the penalties can’t be harsher. What really hurts are the innocent kids that probably will never have the chance to live a normal life.

This is a booming industry sadly, but there’s so much of it. The writer does show good examples of statistics and backs up his thoughts of this terrible exploitation. It’s a well written article but far reaching in hoping that something will ever be accomplished by more countries getting involved. It’s a cruel world but chances are, nothing will bring this business to its knees.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cool Government?

What is going on with our government? There are politicians who are getting threatened every day. You have the Tea-Party movement, which is in my opinion, is doing more harm than good. Then there’s the high unemployment rate that doesn’t seem as though it’ll be getting better any time soon. Then the health care system that is driving everyone crazy…and on and on…

Isn’t the government supposed to be working together to get the problems of this country fixed? In my opinion, it looks like they’re fighting amongst each other and not working together. We voted for them to be in office to fight for us and not keep us in the dark! I see our government as a “King of the Mountain” battle - Everyone is flexing their muscles to see who can be on top – regardless of the stand that they may be taking.

I may sound like the “average Joe”, but these politicians, including the president, were put in office to run this country with confidence and it seems like the main component is missing. I guess politics will be politics and I can stand in line moaning and groaning, but I’d like to see our government kick in and start solving the country’s problems.

In The Huffington Post, the article “Obama Tries to Put Positive Spin on Government” is funny in my opinion, because it sounds like the President isn’t even sure about our government. For instance, how do you make government “cool”? How about generally improving our economy and our lives by creating jobs and then staying out of our lives as much as possible!?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Will it ever stop?!

Michele Malkin has lots of good points in her analysis of the Mexican government and how they handle all of the US money that was poured into their structure of “border patrol”. We will eventually be paying for all of this mis-handling in our taxes, and it’s about time we start paying attention! There is too much of “we’re going to do this” or “we’re going to do that”, to make the border safe, but when you have military, police, and government politicians on the bankroll of the drug cartels, it’s a losing battle!

I hate to agree too much with Michele, but I have to respect the fact that she let’s everyone get a piece of her mind in her blog. There is too much evidence that supports her position. The fact is, there are corrupt law enforcement officials and no one can ensure that the “Merida Initiative” is being upheld. It’s chaotic down in that region and thousands of dead bodies are “piling up”. How many more Mexican and American citizens will have to die before someone takes initiative and brings these cartels down? Why not let professionals (AKA US MARINES), take out the drug cartels with whatever form of force is necessary, and get it over with?!

Will we ever be able to go back across Mexican borders for vacations, enjoy birthday parties, or casual shopping? There’s too much evidence to back up what Michele Malkin is arguing about. Right now, Mexico is too corrupt to be fixed by their own government. It’s true that drug cartels are using American dollars to support the drug smuggling back into the US. Someone has to get involved to stop this corruption and quickly!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

B(ig) S(tory) in D.C.

I fully agree with this editor because to me, Washington is just a bunch of drama. We go week after week following one dramatic story after another. And week after week, the previous “big story”, fades into the background. Washington, and the media, do a good job of keeping us entertained, or so thoroughly confused that perhaps this is why so many Americans don’t take a huge interest in politics! If it isn’t Stimulus Packages, it’s Unemployment and if not that, it’s that ever-important Health Care Bill, which in my opinion would be better left alone! Why can’t Washington focus on what this country really needs? JOBS!

She discusses how our elected officials, fail to really help the American household, despite saying all of the “right things”. And, I agree! These are our paid, elected officials, and they need to be coming to agreement on some decisions!

In her argument she also reports that the stimulus package has created millions of jobs but we’re still facing millions who are still unemployed, and the number is barely crawling to a “positive” number. The editor comes across as being straightforward and tries to persuade the reader into believing in her opinion. Initially, she seems quite credible, and I’m almost sucked in to understanding her point of view on the jobs topic, but I am still unemployed! And, yes, I may sound like I’m crying, but time is running out and every day that I don’t get a call for an interview I worry more and more about how I am going to feed and shelter my family. I also think if the Stimulus Package had been handled differently, it sure could have helped Americans instead of businesses. And by helping individual Americans, it would in turn, help those same businesses. Had they given out that money to individual, tax-paying Americans, that money would undoubtedly have stimulated the economy! Sure, some would have put that money right back into the bank – providing banks more money; others would have paid off debt – providing credit card companies more money to issue more credit; but many would use that money to go out to dinners, start home improvement projects, or buy cars and homes – STIMULATING THE ECONOMY.

Friday, February 12, 2010


An article in the Austin American Statesman, caught my attention about President Obama discussing the economy with prominent black leaders has me concerned and should have you concerned as well.

President Obama needs to talk to the people of this country that are really going through this. Black minorities are not the only ones suffering in this bad economy. And, they are not the only minorities that need to be looked at. I hope he doesn’t do this with all of our nations problems, because even the leaders indicated that “this isn’t the time” to do something special for one group or another. The leaders he is talking to are not going to help the economy in my opinion.

I’m concerned because I’m unemployed from a company of 16 years of loyalty. I need something to happen because I’m about to lose my unemployment benefits pretty soon and won’t be able to support my family if the economy does not make some recovery, and soon. I need a job and hope he’ll turn to answers from experienced staff. We need action for the sake of myself and of others.